How to Brush Your Teeth with Braces

Proper brushing and using dental floss could say they are the basic elements for properly cleaning teeth with braces. That said, cleaning the brackets must be thorough to prevent bacterial plaque from accumulating, causing different complications.

Choose the right brush

When you wear orthodontic braces, the first thing you should do is change your brush to a specific one for cleaning braces. There are different types of toothbrushes for braces on the market.

Most people recommend that you combine cleaning with two types of brushes:

Orthodontic toothbrushes

This type of toothbrush for braces is characterized by having a pointed end and grooved bristles. The longer bristles are responsible for cleaning, the lower area of ​​the brackets, while the shorter bristles clean the tooth surface.

Interdentally brushes

They are narrower and smaller than conventional brushes, which more easily access the space between the bracket and the tooth, achieving the cleaning of this area.

Brushing technique

Even more important than the type of brush is the brushing technique you use to clean both the braces and the teeth. And it is that during the cleaning process, you have to distinguish between brushing your braces and brushing your teeth.

When you Brush your Teeth with Braces, you will want to focus on cleaning the wires and hooks in an up-and-down motion. In this way, you will eliminate any trace of plaque present and accumulated food.

As for brushing your teeth, they recommend cleaning each tooth individually, using circular movements, starting from the gum line.

You must keep the brush at a 45-degree angle, as this will ensure that you reach the part of the teeth under the braces, which is where the most residue accumulates.

Brushing time

When you wear braces, you should increase the brushing time to ensure proper cleaning.

The brushing time should not be less than five minutes but do not hesitate to take longer if you think it’s necessary. The time spent could make a difference.

It will be essential to brush your teeth with braces once after each meal, and especially before going to sleep, to avoid the accumulation of food between the wires.

When you are done, check in front of the mirror that the cleaning has been correct, that there is no food residue left, and that the braces look in perfect condition. Otherwise, go through this process again.

Dental floss

 Dental-floss-brackets beyond brushing, for correct cleaning of brackets, you should use dental floss. In this case, let your dentist advise you, as they will know what type of dental floss is the most recommended for you.

Insert the dental floss through the bottom of the bracket and clean with a careful up-and-down motion. Don’t hesitate to take your time.

At first, it will be somewhat complicated, but as you get the practice, you will do it faster. They recommend that you floss at least once a day before going to bed.

Antiseptic Rinse

After cleaning your teeth and flossing, finish the cleaning with an antiseptic mouthwash. This will help reduce plaque, removing all lingering food particles or bacteria.