How to Lose Weight Using Methods Backed By Science

There are many various viewpoints on how to lose weight naturally. While there is no one way to go about it, specific methods work better than others.

Just because a procedure works for one individual does not guarantee that it will work for another. Weight loss can often be a matter of trial and error. Fortunately, there are specific scientifically established methods that you can rely on to work – want to know how to lose weight naturally?

Tracking your diet and exercise

If you want to lose weight, you should be conscious of everything you eat and drink daily. The easiest approach is to note everything you eat in a journal or an online meal tracker.

Diets are temporary remedies that rarely produce long-term, sustainable outcomes. Diets can occasionally result in weight loss, but because they often rely on crash course techniques rather than lifestyle adjustments to get results, the weight never stays off.

Many weight-loss regimens require you to keep a food diary. You may reduce overeating by keeping track of your intake with its assistance. Apps are one example of a technology advancement that has been clinically shown to help people lose weight and keep it off. Food journaling, supported by a sizable food database, can assist you in staying on track.

Research published in the International Journal of Consumer Studies found that photographing food was more successful than writing it down.

Instead of counting calories to lose weight, try this one. Taking a pic before you consume your meal will assist you in improving the choices of food you make.

According to research conducted at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, when participants saw images of their food, they learned they could miss the meal or snack they wanted to eat or lower the portion sizes in their meal.

Intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting (IF) is an eating idea that comprises recurring short-term fasts and eating meals in a shorter period during the day.

According to studies, short-term intermittent fasting for up to 24 weeks results in weight loss in most people who have tried it.

The following are the most common intermittent fasting methods you may come across:

  • Fasting on alternate days ADF recommends fasting every other day and regularly eating on non-fasting days. The revised version of Book On fasting days suggests you should be consuming only 25% to 30% of your body’s energy needs.
  • The 5:2 diet usually requires you to fast every two days out of seven. It also recommends eating at least 500 to 600 calories on the days you will be fasting.
  • The 16/8 approach is usually about fasting for 16 hours and eating solely for 8 hours. The 8-hour time would be approximately midday to 8 p.m. for most folks. Research on this strategy discovered that eating within a specific time frame resulted in individuals ingesting fewer calories and losing weight.

It is recommended to follow a balanced diet and avoid overeating on the other days.

Mindful eating

Mindful eating is a discipline in which you pay attention to where and how you eat your meals. This method allows you to enjoy their food while maintaining the weight you want.

Nowadays, most people have busy lifestyles. They usually eat on the go, in the car, while working at their desks, watching TV, or on laptops. As a result, many people are ignorant of the food they eat.

Mindful eating techniques include:

  • Taking a seat, particularly at the dining table: Take your time with the food, eat slowly and enjoy the meal.
  • Avoiding distractions when eating: Do not watch movies, use your laptop/pc, or speak or chat on your smartphone.
  • Eating slowly lets you chew and savor your food. The strategy aids with weight loss by giving a person’s brain adequate time to notice fullness signals, preventing overeating.
  • Make informed food choices – Select meals that are high in healthy nutrients and will satisfy you for hours rather than minutes.

Balancing gut bacteria

More studies are starting to concentrate on the impact of bacteria in the gut on weight loss. Your gut has many microorganisms, including over 35 trillion bacteria.

Everyone’s gut microbes are distinct in terms of variety and quantity. Some types can enhance the energy obtained from meals, resulting in fat deposition and weight gain.

Some foods may boost the number of beneficial bacteria in the stomach. They include:

Fruits and vegetables: Increasing the number of fruits, vegetables, and grains in the diet will result in greater fiber intake and a more diverse population of gut bacteria. People should attempt to make veggies and other plant-based foods up to 75% of their meals.

Fermented foods promote the growth of healthy bacteria while preventing the growth of harmful bacteria. Sauerkraut, kefir, Kimchi, yogurt, tempeh, and miso are all high in probiotics, which aid in the development of healthy bacteria. Researchers have extensively investigated Kimchi, and the findings imply that it possesses anti-obesity properties. Similarly, research has indicated that kefir may aid in weight loss in obese women.

Prebiotic meals increase the growth and activity of specific beneficial bacteria that assist with weight control. Many fruits/ vegetables contain prebiotic fiber, including chicory root, artichoke, onion, garlic, asparagus, leeks, banana, and avocado. It’s also found in cereals like oats and barley.

You can also take probiotic supplements to help balance your gut bacteria. For more information about prebiotics and how they work, check out this article; how long does it take for probiotics to work.

Fuel with proteins

Protein and weight loss go hand in hand. Protein not only helps to enhance your metabolism. According to studies published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and The British Journal of Nutrition, you will feel full and less inclined to indulge, overeat, or even think about eating.

If you drink a protein shake, you will feel fuller. Additionally, you are less inclined to overeat.

One of the simplest strategies to start losing weight is to increase protein in your diet and make no other changes.